Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Taking Form

I was thinking...
...how rain droplets take their form from their surroundings, wherever they happen to be in time and space.
In the NOW we take an ever shifting position - not necessarily relating to our history or our perceived possible future.
I am reminded to be in the NOW more.

In 2012 I will be in the now. More.


  1. i think you can't really help being in it but you can enjoy it more.

  2. Lovely!
    And I like your thought process!

  3. Beautiful post, lovely photos.


  4. This is such a beautiful, thoughtful post. I am hoping to do the same-- be in the present and be mindful-- and it is hard work, but such a worthwhile pursuit. That's why they call it the "present"-- b/c its a gift. Thanks for the visual and verbal inspiration. Wishing you all the best for 2012!

  5. Lovely images and thought-provoking as ever.

  6. I think the gift of stillness and presence is one we would all benefit from..

  7. It is stillness and yet exciting to view and more fun to touch I bet. Peace, Mary Helen

  8. i think this is the best resolution i have seen yet - and i may adopt it as my own, if you don't mind! best wishes for a happy NOW new year, sus

  9. Great work and good thoughts - and I wish you a most wonderful new year, dear Clare.

  10. what a nice opening prayer for the year... I like the way rain drops cascade down a surface, too, sometimes colliding/joining with other droplets. No struggle. Just falling, colliding, going wherever it is they're going. Is it possible to be more like this?

  11. threads, tomte, figs, oh, my! this is a delightful place to come to. happy to have found you.

  12. or, simply, realize that we are always in the now, much like jude pointed out. we can't help but be so! it is just our tendency to focus our attention everywhere else. ha!

    may your year be filled with mindful moments!!



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