Tuesday, 10 January 2012

New Journal and the Feline Quilt Menace

I've decided upon a new diary format this year inspired by Jill. I found last year that my detailed journal ground to a halt after August when there were some family difficulties and I was so pressed for time. This way I can make a brief note every day of what happened in the little 4cm squares with a double page spread for each month and then I can fill in more detailed days in between where I want to.
This snowman fabric quilt has been a year in the finishing, and even then, to the very last centimetre of the binding Smartie was convinced he was helping.

 Now where's that needle?
 It's under here I think
 Or is there a little mouse under this bit?

I must attack and find out for sure
No wait, here's a cave to sleep in...

 I've finished!!!!!


  1. What an adorable little helper. Your quilt looks fab.

  2. Love the colours in your journal page! I'm sure you'll have fun filling it in. And where would we be without our furry friends - they are such a help ;o)

  3. I had almost forgotten what it is like to try and sew with a helper. what fun.

  4. Absolutely no help at all, but good company, at least!

  5. Love the video. Your quilt is wonderful and I know he is great company.

  6. Jill's journal pages are always so colourful. Looks like yours are going to be inspired too. Glad you had such a willing helper with the quilt. Video is not available but the pics are great.

  7. Love the video. I have 3 little helpers...what would we do without them?

  8. Good thing this cat is so cute...lovely works by both of you!!! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  9. Are you joining in with Kate's Calendar journal challenge?

  10. Laughing...seems we have a similar problem with cats!


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