Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Seeing Stars

I've had a very good couple of days at White Cottage Country Crafts in Seisdon learning some patchwork and machine quilting techniques. Some of these things I have done before, with the aid of books, but this was wonderful because I was able to pick up some tricks and tips from Jackie, who is the proprietress and an amazing quilter.
It was all about accuracy and that is not my forte! Jackie measures 1/4" seams with an electron microscope! However, the skills of the trade I must learn so that I can apply them to more creative endeavors.
After two days I had a nice star block, employing two different flying geese methods, and a sampler of quilting techniques and bobbin thread sewing on the reverse of the work (a revelation).


  1. EXCELLENT cushion JGYG! Would that I had your imagination and ability with colour.

  2. Thank you Hollyhock, would that I had your way with jam! JGYG


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