Friday, 3 April 2009

Quilts In The Garden

I had such a lovely day today. The weather was beautiful and I drove up to Trentham Gardens, near Stoke, with my lovely mother-in-law and partner in crime Angie, for the Quilts In The Garden Exhibition. I bought lots of goodies including some supplies for a piece called "Autumn Glory" which is in the back of my brain somewhere and will eventually emerge for our embroidery show with my local Embroiderer's Guild.
The fabric here is a lovely African print form The African Fabric Shop. I could have bought the whole stall - it really made my mouth water!
I am also hoping to play with printing this Easter and bought a little lino cutting set to get mucky with.

I plan to overprint the African fabric with leaf designs and machine and hand embroider.

I also have another idea floating around in my imagination for these lovely Japanese style indigos (I think they are called Shwe-Shwe).

I was so tempted by lots of other things like ditsy prints and some ribbon from Tilda as well as books and threads. However I was lured by some Brusho paints and a set of rubbing plates and a couple of Markall paintsticks.

Never mind it's a lot of fun - but where will I start with it all?

The children are on the Easter holiday break now so I bought them a nice set of watercolour Koh-I-Noor paints each and we can dabble together!

Here is Isabel's Easter bonnet - it went down a storm at school!

Now we have plans to plant up the potatoes, broad beans, cabbages and start off loads more seeds and we're going to be lovely and busy and messy. No deadlines!

Hooray for Spring!


  1. Sounds like you've had a lovely day, have a nice Easter

  2. Those fabrics look so lovely, I do like the African Shop. I'm sure the children will enjoy the fun you will all have drawing throughout the Easter hols!!

  3. love the hat. will you steal it to wear while you plant potatoes? I bought some seed potatoes yesterday - i was planning to plant them today, but its pouring rain...maybe tomorrow.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun!

  5. Can I borrow the Easter Bonnet for next week?

  6. Thanks for the comment, I actually use Paint Shop Pro to play with.I love the hat and your Easter decoration, have fun with your paints and beautiful fabrics.

  7. What a wonderful day. I love the hat!

  8. Hello found my way here via Jude's blog. You are a girl after my own heart, lots of projects on the go all at the same time! I am new to felting too and just LOVE it, I felted some stones last night they do look pretty.
    Your daughters rabbit is a poppet and her sewing is very accomplished obviously takes after her mother!

  9. Very beautiful fabrics...I'll have to check out this shop. Keep us posted on what you make with them...I'm sure it will be wonderful.


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