Wednesday, 10 February 2010

A Meandering Path - lacking in direction

It's funny how the Slow Cloth hand stitching has ground to a halt for a while. I have to finish it for a deadline in March and I know, being me, I'll now leave it until the last minute.
I am unsure of my direction at the moment and have lost heart a little.
 I needed to de-clutter my house by throwing out and shredding papers and documents. Now I've got rid of so much the house feels very much lighter and is in danger of floating off! To de-clutter my brain and offer it some mindless therapy I decided the best idea was to piece a little quilt rapidly and by machine.
Lately I have been experimenting with little bits of painted paper and the disappearing nine patch block. I realise you can do this on a computer but there's nothing like mindlessly painting paper blocks and shuffling them about at the breakfast table when all around are demanding bacon and eggs.
My path is meandering like this quilting but it was a quick and cathartic project resulting in a feeling of achievement. A useful quilt on the breakfast table to mop up the ketchup - haha.

More snow today. This little bird didn't know which way to go either. I have to acknowledge that the road is not clearly delineated  all the time and that is OK.

As soon as I finished this quilt someone made me realize that of course I could stop all the angst about direction and just BE.  


  1. Finding direction can seem so hard, at times - just be-ing is such a difficult lesson and I know how that little bird feels today, too!

    Tangible, real things, like shuffling paper at breakfast or writing with pen and paper is far less distracting than things done on computers. And much as I find myself drawn to the virtual, lately the real keeps me sane.

    Lovely post, Clare. Off to de-clutter my desk!

  2. All things take their course and I'm sure your direction will come to you at the right moment. I love the earthy rustic colours in your quilt

    Carolyn x

  3. What an absolutely cozy quilt this appears to be. I love the muted rustic colors set off by thin white borders. Really, really lovely.

  4. It seems many of us are wanting to take a break, de-clutter and just have quiet time. Lovely quilt and an adorable (cat) reminder to just "be".

  5. Clare,re your comment about the Spring Fair, it is a trade fair but if you pre register as a visitor you can attend. You could also register as a designer/artist/maker. too late for this year sadly.
    I am not sure where the eggs are for sale but hope to have some in my shop shortly.

    I love your choice of fabrics for the quilt, especially the colour palette, so pretty.

  6. I think there is a time for everything...of course my direction of the moment is de-cluttering! (Both mind and home.)

  7. What a lovely little quilt...and that last photo?? well it is just adorable....too too cute!

  8. There is something satisfying about a quick piece. Your slow cloth is wonderful too, I find it is best not to rush slow projects. I like the energy to feel just right on every session.

  9. Wonderful post! Nothing more to add, you said it all :-)

  10. Lucinda, Marie and Deb G - it seems like everyone has the de-clutter mentalilty at the moment - are we Spring cleaning?

    Carolyn and Cleveland Girlie- the fabrics are by Nancy Halvorsen - they came out last year

    Jasmine - you are so right there, but it's heartening to hear it from someone else

    Everyone -Your comments all really help to make things worthwhile

  11. It turned out to be a lovely little quilt. Decluttering is a wonderful accomplishment.

  12. That little quilt is lovely, the colours are yummy!
    Mmm! decluttering...I don't know where to start!!

  13. I am enjoying your work. Very inspirational.

  14. Thank you so much everyone - your comments mean the world x

  15. I find myself drawn to the virtual, lately the real keeps me sane.
    home based data entry


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