Thursday, 23 October 2008

Kantha Quilting

I've been on a workshop which was an introduction to Kantha Quilting with Stevie Walker. Kantha embroidery hails from India and Bangladesh and was a way of joining old saris together in layers to make quilts / blankets etc. In this rocky economic time perhaps the idea of re-using old fabrics is a good one. I am eying my wardrobe scissors in hand!

The stitching is a basic running stitch with lots of variations. This is all I achieved in the day because it's a slow process and I'm a lousy hand-stitcher who is now inspired to practise!

This fabric is turban cotton and it's sewn with thin Perle and a rayon around the edge. It will eventually be heavily quilted all over.

The location of the workshop was just near Wenlock Edge in Shropshire (England) so the journey was beautiful and the weather marvellous!

We're off to Greece on holiday next week. I shall be armed with camera and sketchbook to note interesting patterns etc. No blogging for a week - I know I'll miss that facility. It's strange really but it's a lovely way to keep a diary anyway.


  1. It's a beautiful image-thank you for showing this and for introducing me to Stevie Walker.

  2. Good Girl Yarnie! Taking your notepad on holiday A+, MH

  3. I look forward to you posting a sketch or two!


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