Friday, 29 August 2008

Yes, Wales really is Wet

It's everything that it's cracked up to be is Wales. Great scenery though. Couldn't see much of it behind the clouds but the guide books tell you it's marvellous behind there. Thanks God. Anyway I had hoped to get lots of inspirational landscape shots for working on but the camera rusted. I did get this nice view though!
It's Lake Tal-y-Llyn and it was very moody yesterday.

To brighten things up I visited Colinette Yarns at Llanfair on the way home today which is a cornucopia of hand-dyed wools. I had a little woopsy with my credit card but it added a wonderful splash of colour to my memories of Wales!


  1. Well, jollygood, that might be a nice photo but the place looks like hell on earth.

    A few years in France have spoilt me. Last residence was in the SW of Scotland and the wellies were simply parked at the kitchen door, in readiness.

    Have just looked at "Dyeing To Sew or Dieing to Sow?" Is that your sketch/water colour? I'm assuming it is, in which case you are stunningly artistic and creative (compounded by your other interests). I'd like to marry you in your next life please.

    PS - pointless appealing to God ref the weather. Complete non-interventionist. Try Mrs G instead.

  2. Thanks for the tip. I'll have a quick pray later!

  3. Loved the link to God! Very clever JGYG. Happenstance is by Carol Shields, if I remember I'll bring my copy on the 8th MH

  4. Oooh, I've rowed across that lake! Back in nineteen-eighty-something. It was wet and grey then, too.

    I've read a few posts here and I'm really enjoying the pictures of your work.

  5. Thanks Pam - it's nice to know that some people follow my ramblings! Are you a Blogger?
    I was thinking that lake would have been a wonderful place to kayak upon - on a nicer day!

  6. Wales, wonderful place, but I'm biased. Just found your blog, I'll be looking again, it's inspiring.

  7. Not a kayak -- three rowing boats, each containing five or six people. We rowed to the little island with a church on it, had a quick look round, then rowed back again. (At least I think it was an island -- could just have been the other side of the lake!)

    I used to blog a few years back. My blog is still available at

    I found you via Ernest de Cugnac.


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