Monday, 7 July 2014

More painting ... and stitching the painting ... and eating the colours

So this painting is now finished. What a process! Mostly enjoyable but with periods of angst and indecision. Just like life. The thing I love is that my painting process is that it reminds me that so much of life is about letting go, moving on, re painting the metaphorical canvas. This applies to every moment as it dies. It is the key to contentment (or one of them) as is living life for the process; the journey, not the final destination. In the end, the final destination is usually good if the path trodden is a mindful one.


Another piece of work I'm grappling with at the moment is the stitching of a printed version of the painting you saw on the previous post. 
I'm hoping to put it in an exhibition at the Redhouse Glass Cone gallery in September so I had better get a move on with that!

As you can see I'm really enjoying colour and vibrancy at the moment

And the growth of food at the allotment. I'm finding some lovely popping colours there which also taste super. First yellow courgettes at the dinner table last night and more rhubarb.... Food tastes even better when it's multicoloured!!


  1. Another wonderful painting Claire
    (you get the hang of it ;-) ... )

  2. Lovely work, as always. The stitching looks good too. Haven't seen any yellow courgettes for a long time. We used to grow them on our allotment and they were delicious.

  3. Beautiful work Clare and I have been fascinated watching your progress. Congratulations on your sale.

  4. the painting is so vibrant and busy... I'd love to see it in person. I like the way the veggies echo the colors of your work!

  5. Love your paintings, Clare. And translating them into stitch...brilliant!! The potential is mind-boggling I find. Do you print them yourself onto fabric???

  6. AHHHH, thanks so much for coming over, it's good to be back and your blog has evolved beautifully! Very impressed :-)

  7. I like your stitching, so nice to see how your painting has moved into a new dimension.

  8. Love this work - such vibrant colours. I too have an allotment and am growing yellow courgettes -they are a lovely colour aren't they and I agree with Maggi they are delicious too.

  9. enjoying color, indeed!! a really wonderful carnival of vibrancy... I like the parallel thoughts about life. They just come, those thoughts, don't they?


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