Wednesday 20 February 2013

Wholesome Activities

Quilt top finished and ready to layer and quilt. It's been nice because the children are old enough to occupy themselves for quite a while, albeit on technology (not very wholesome), and I can get on with much more wholesome fabric furtling!
Mind you I dragged them out yesterday to Attingham Park in Shropshire for a romp through mud. At least it was a sunny day and once there they enjoyed climbing trees as children oughta!!!
The snowdrops were a sight to behold
and I loved these contrasting trees
It's a month to remember to love one another.
It would solve the world's problems....


  1. Gorgeous quilt , is it a pattern or one of your own? Shropshire looks good. You are so right, more love in the world would solve so many of our problems.

  2. Oh what good memories this post brings Clare! Kids climbing trees... love is the most important thing, right you are.
    happy sewing - sus

  3. I do like the two trees, leaning together and the wintry colours of the quilt.


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