Sunday, 21 February 2010

Back to Slow Cloth

So the Slow Cloth has been revisited and after a period on pause the needle's rhythm began again.

There is a deadline!

Saturday and Sunday 20th - 21st March we have an exhibition at Wombourne Library and Community Centre in Staffordshire of pieces by my group Wombourne Quilters.

The exhibition is entitled "Quilts By The Green".

There will be a textile tombola, a bag raffle, tea and cakes, trade stands and demonstrations.

Some of the quilts will be for sale. I'm debating whether to sell this piece - it has been some time in the making.

Please come if you're in the area. The times are 10-4.30pm.

Today my daughter Isabel and I went for a stroll around Bridgnorth in Shropshire. It was a lovely sunny morning with some snow on the ground from last night's fall. There are only a handful of shops open on a Sunday but providence looked down on us! In a little ethnic, crystal healing type emporium there were some lovely quilted jackets made in India from old and over-dyed soft cottons with embroidery scattered upon the cloth. Who could resist?


  1. clare, you little quilt is marvelous!
    hard to sell stuff you touch so much eh?

  2. Slow cloth is gorgeous.....I think I'd have a real tough time parting with it.
    Those jackets are fabulous, what a tremendous find!!!

  3. The exhibition sounds like fun. The piece you've made is lovely.

  4. That's the problem..I get so attached to whatever I make!! hehe!
    Lovely jackets

  5. The quilt is amazing, really beautiful work. Gorgeous fabrics in the jacket too!

  6. ...I think I'm more frightened of NOT being able to sell...would I be disappointed?

  7. Hi Clare,
    Thanks so much for checking up on my progress. I will be back to blogging soon. My energy is returning, with the longer, sunnier days. Clare, I appreciate your honesty about feeling directionless sometimes, or not knowing your direction. I feel that way too and I think it is partly because I dearly love to explore so many different fiber art forms. Perhaps I need to think of my lack of direction as a blessing, not a problem, and stop worrying about it, since I probably will always be this way. All my efforts to focus narrowly have ended in taking up yet a new direction. Let's face it, we're fiber arts butterflies. And butterflies are beautiful.

  8. aha Julia - you were right in your comment on my blog. We have to remember that we are PROCESS people - in it for the doing - not necessarily for the end result. Keep on processing - that's your mission!

  9. I know some who never part with their quilts. I think I make mine to share with others. If I give it away or sell it, makes no difference to me.

  10. Things that are made with attention and love need to find their right home. If you put it up for sale at this event and it doesn't sell (which I would find amazing because it is wonderful!) that just means it hasn't found it's right home yet.

  11. Your cloth is looking beautiful. I especially love those little beads in the first photo.

  12. The slow cloth is beautiful, The event you mentiopn ed sounds like a lot of fun and interesting things to buy.. I love to shop!!

  13. Love your slow cloth! And your cat picture! And your tree picture! :-)

  14. I think I'd have a real tough time parting with it.
    data entry india


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