Sunday 9 November 2008

Aged Textile Cards (For Aged Textile Friends)

Yesterday I went to a talk at our local Embroiderers' Guild by Annette Emms who is a textile artist. She makes beautiful books which tell stories. Usually these are fairy stories or legends from the places she visits in the British Isles. She also makes exquisite tiny fairy shoes and book wraps which are very naturalistic in their appearance.

She told us about various methods of transferring image to fabric and techniques for aging fabric. One quick dying method which caught my imagination was using coffee on calico. I had to immediately go home and do that of course! I dipped the calico in coffee solution and then scrunched it up and placed it on a hot baking tray at Gas 4 in the oven for 20 minutes. It looks like the paper of those old treasure maps we used to make at primary school! Lovely.

Then today I thought well, my Dad is aged like this fabric - 81 this week in fact - I'll make him a fabric birthday card based on yesterday's talk. I hope he likes it. Here he is on the front with my Mum (married to her now for 56 years!). I used some hand made banana paper in the middle and stitched into it all. What fun. I might do some more for all my aged friends (ha ha sorry guys).


  1. this is a lovely card for your dad. I tried coffee dying white silk dupion and it worked really well too - a pale toasted look.

  2. Hi Clare, thank you for the mention !
    It was great to meet you yesterday and I love the card you've made.
    What a lovely, thoughtful idea.

  3. You are truly amazing, how do you find time for it all? Beautiful card Yarnie, and I will thank you for not including me in your aged friends list. I am a sprightly 22 and everybody knows it. MH

  4. Ah yes Millennium, but have you seen the state of my kitchen floor? It's this special kind of flooring that sticks to your shoes and makes crunchy sounds as well when you walk on it. Or could that be jammy blobs and rice crispies?


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