Monday, 16 June 2008

How did I get like this?

So what sparked the change? Hmmm gradual process. Tracy Underwood (great friend) showing me her meticulous quilts - hundreds of them - and realising that I loved the fabrics...wanted to roll in them, stroke them and run off with them and put them in a cupboard.

Next stage making my own quilt which was very basic but hugely satisfying.

Then realising that I am not a pattern person and need to be let loose with fabric and doing somwthing like Ineke Berlyn does with all sorts of textiles
...And now I am at the beginning of a textile and embroidery journey into oblivion!

So my cupboard is full of loveliness waiting to be stitched. I so much love the idea of texture in art that I could never achieve with painting and I feel like I have finally reached an area which could really convey what I want to get down.

My time is a great limiter with a job, three kids (including the husband), a big garden and an allotment but I am going to do what I can in all the left over time and promise myself that I need to even prioritise some days for this journey.

I think this blog is just a personal diary and some way of organising all my crazy thoughts.

You can see the things I bought today here!
Below is something a pic I really want to work on - it is a beautiful carving of an angel in St. Michael's graveyard and the day I photographed it she had a tearlike snowflake running down her face. I love it so and will work on creating a design around it.

My next big step is to enrol on a year course in machine embroidery. I can hear my husband sighing 53 miles away.


  1. The thought of a cupboard of lovliness... Ah what would be in mine... Chocolate, wine, books...will have to give it more thought MH

  2. what a lovely story, sort of domestic goddess goes gardening and sewing!
    can't wait to hear next instalments on the view from my allotment shed and 'what the Garden Fork saw '.
    Eager to hear if you can really knit yoghurt and your challenge is to sew what you grow...
    in my cupboard of lovliness i will sit among the chocolate bars and jars of marmite, in silence ,and ignore everyone.....Then i will make a huge cake and share it will all my lovely friends.x


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